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  • Writer's pictureMarlene Bierworth

Planning a Cruise

They say the time leading up to a vacation should be just as exciting as the journey itself.

I am sitting on the fence with this one, and unfortunately, its all about technology. I am SUPER comfortable with the programs and sites I use daily for my writing business. I am NOT comfortable with cruise and airplane apps and all the pre-trip preparation involved with sailing and flying. It’s definitely out of my comfort zone (but well worth the learning, or so those in the know tell me. lol).

This is my motto!

That said, on this trip I have a great teacher; my daughter is coming along, and although we are flying on different planes, she has my back. There are six other gals going and we excited!

Girls time away - how great it that?

Don't I wish I could wear a bikini? lol

I should be the pro at cruises as I have many under my belt with multiple cruise lines, and my grown daughter has never taken one before. She has been to a lot of countries, but never by way of a boat. She loves detail, and has sketched out so much of our trip.

So, it's 3 days from departure, the check in for the boat is complete and the Norwegian Epic is expecting our arrival on April 22/23. The ship holds over 4500 guests and 1700 crew. Big ship. I have been studying the deck layouts so I don't get lost.

Our flights are booked, and Friday we will check in for the first leg of our journey from Toronto to New York. From there we will Uber to the docks and board the ship.

Can't wait to say these words.

So, what have we done to prepare? Ask the newbie to cruising—Pam is crushing it.

This greenhorn has investigated all the good and bad aspects of sailing. Right down to every detail inside our state room (the most economical suite on a ship). We are saving our dollars for more fun activities other than sleeping, as time in our room will be definitely be minimal.

The walls are metal so she has purchased magnetic hooks to hang extra stuff (one of the biggest complaints is not having enough room for clothes in the closet.) I personally haven’t had an issue with that as I generally travel with a carry on.

A packing challenge

Yep—you heard me right. Packed for an 18-day vacation and got it all in a carry on. The secret is rolling your garments—it is amazing how much you can get in a case that way.

Other things the newbie brought to my attention was the possible need for a flashlight (inside rooms are very dark), an umbrella (you don’t want to skip land excursions because of foul weather), binoculars, different currencies for the different countries we will visit.

Did you know that the carpets ships have installed

have fish in the pattern swimming toward the front of the boat?

The odd numbers and even numbers for the rooms on opposite sides of the elevators? (I knew that one) The ships app is amazing. You can't get lost, no matter how big the ship is.

Did you know that every cruise has a chat line (cruise critic) where travelers gather to compare notes and tell the pros and cons of the voyage? Our particular cruise, have many people who are repeat customers for the exact same vacation—they are a boatload of information and an encouragement that we are in for a great time.

We have booked a show, Burn the Floor (hopefully not literally LOL) one specialty dinner, and one excursion so far, but will play the rest by ear. Live in the moment is my new motto.

Our transatlantic cruise is 6 days at sea and 9 stops starting with Bermuda, moving on to Portugal, then Spain, and disembarking in Barcelona on May 7th.

I hope to blog the journey for you. If I can’t do it while onboard (techy problems again and I have limited wifi) I will do it the minute I get back. I hope you will travel with me on this journey—I love taking virtual friends along. I wish I would have done this for my Alaska trip last year…see how this non-techy is growing LOL

Is that you hiding in my suitcase?

I think we have all our T’s crossed and our I’s dotted. Ready, Set, Go. Watch for my plane passing your way, either going or coming back.

Until Next Time, Bon Voyage.

Your friendly world traveler,

Marlene from Heartwarming Romance.

67 views3 comments


Apr 20, 2023

Come back with all your creativity overflowing. ❤️❤️🤗🤗🙏🙏


Apr 20, 2023

I’d love to follow your blog, but I’ve never done it before. Any hints? I just got here from your Facebook post. You surely are enjoying life with the girls. I love it!


Apr 20, 2023

LOVE this and all your cute GIF's, !!

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