As I write this while safe in my apartment in Ontario, Canada, the GTA is slowly moving towards phase two of opening up. Scientists all over the globe are racing to find a vaccine to combat this deadly virus, but we have a long way to go. And although we are seeing signs of the upside, we are warned of a possible second wave in the fall.
It starts one to thinking about how we will remember this time in years to come.
It's been three long months of being told to wash your hands and stay home, except to go shopping for food, and even then, be sure to wear a mask and stay six feet apart. They've even drawn arrows for one-way trips down the grocery aisles and six foot stops before you can check out.
I will recall my children dropping off groceries at my door during my 14 day quarantine; the visits with friends while they stood in the driveway; children waving at me from the windows, blowing kisses, and proudly showing off their first grade art work; crossing the road when meeting someone out for a stroll so you don't walk in anyone's space. I will especially remember the silly walks and the families on their porch watching pedestrians perform their comical stunts. The special feeling the first time I could eat a meal with my daughter and her family upstairs and the elusive hugs we threw across the room because real ones were not allowed. Those are the little things, with enormous emotions attached to them, that are worth treasuring.
On a larger scale, I will remember how this pandemic has brought many social problems to light with our aging population, the way we deal with despair and mental issues, protests and people speaking out against travesties, family separated by walls of isolation with no opportunity to say goodbye to their loved ones. Yet, on the brighter side we see people sharing their talents and resources with the underprivileged, with the lonely, with those suffering financially - how the entire country - and dare say the world - has come together as one in the fight against this deadly disease.
There were many comical moments; when we tried to be our own hairdressers, resulting in lopsided bangs or weird shades not found on the color chart; the shaggy dog that could barely see but after the amateur clip-job resembled a wet noodle; trying to sew a usable face mask from scraps of material laying around the house; fathers letting their daughter paint their face or having tea parties; the adventures in the kitchen, a definite highlight as homemade meals were the only way to feed the family.
I so look forward to going to a restaurant - it's on my wish list.
So many sayings have come to light - We're in this together - Stay safe - Stay home - Black Lives Matter - Social distancing - Heroes wear scrubs - Be strong - Stay home and stay alive.
What will you remember about the first half of 2020 and possibly the entire year? How have you survived or made a positive impact in your community while following the guidelines set in place for our safety?
As an author, I know imaginations are actively working, creating stories that will highlight this time in our lives. But for now, I just live day by day, celebrating each new breath I take and stand in awe as to the wonder of the miraculous mind God has given us to survive the worst of situations. I pray a blessing on each of you who read this and trust that you will rise to the full potential that God created you to be in this moment of time.
See you next time
Marlene from Heartwarming Romance